Mobile phone adoption has reached a point where experts now believe that there will soon be more mobile phones than people on the planet. Many of these mobile phones are “smartphones”, and essentially a powerful mini-computer in the users hand, that provides 24/7 online connectivity. Businesses small and large are beginning to understand the importance of mobile phones and how they can be used to acquire customers and gain market share.
Close At Hand
Today’s mobile consumer has a their mobile phone close at hand all day long. Many mobile users check their devices constantly and it’s become a big part of many mobile consumers’ lives. This widespread usage of mobile phone technology makes this platform important to businesses looking to grow their customer base, but it is the way these phones are utilized is what makes them particularly valuable to businesses.
They’re Everywhere
A mobile device is not tethered to a desktop, so mobile users are everywhere and carrying their phones with them. This gives mobile marketing campaigns incredible reach and penetration. No other ad format can promise the same penetration and timely exposure that an ad placed on a mobile user’s phone can. Mobile marketing is nothing like traditional media was, a television is off when a consumer leaves home, a radio is disconnected when that consumer gets out of a car, but mobile ads are in every consumer’s pocket wherever they go and whatever they do.
Read More: How to Optimize Content for Mobile Marketing
Action Oriented
Mobile users are quickly and easily connected with ads and mobile phone users are often ready to complete a transaction, talk to a representative, or complete a form on their mobile phone. Mobile ad campaigns convert well because consumers can pick up their phones immediately, or on their own time, when they’re ready to convert.
No Patience
The downside of this new market is that businesses which have not embraced the mobile revolution are losing potential customers and conversions. Smartphone users have no patience with pages that will not load properly on 4-inch screens or those on which the choices have not been streamlined for an optimal mobile-user experience. Consumers use their mobile devices to accelerate their productivity, and they will not hesitate to leave to competitors offering a better user interface.
Interestingly, the widespread adoption of mobile phones does not seem to be approaching a saturation point. The World Bank expects opportunities in mobile to continue rising as the technology improves and people find more uses for their mobile devices. Clearly, mobile phone users are critical to growing a customer base in the 21st century.