How Do You Define a Quality Call?

Pay Per Call marketing campaigns are all about driving new customers to your business. When customers see your ads online or in print, your primary goal is getting those individuals to pick up the phone and call your business. As the company using Pay Per Call, you are bidding on marketing campaigns and specific verticals in an effort to drive quality leads. There is a big difference between a lead and a quality lead. Generally speaking, a quality lead is a phone call that leads to revenue for your business and a return on investment for your marketing dollars. So, how do you define a quality call?

How to Define a Quality Call

Beware Duration

The most commonly used indicator when determining call quality is duration. The general assumption is that longer phone calls offer greater quality to the business. However, using duration as an indicator can be very misleading. Pay Per Call marketing isn’t about generating phone calls from just anyone. The goal of every campaign is to drive new customers and expand your client base.

Assuming that call duration is the only important factor can skew results and lead to wasted marketing dollars. For example, if call duration is set at a 30-second threshold, what happens when your spouse or best friend looks up your number to call the business? They’ve just viewed your ad and called the office, but they have no intent to buy.

Call duration is important. After all, doctors, therapists, and other service professionals (as an example) require several minutes on the phone to setup appointments. These are quality calls for them with significant duration. Using duration as a primary indicator becomes misleading when the business gets wrong number calls or other accidental connections.

Read More: Replay: Why Call Duration Is A Bad Measure of Lead Quality

Caller Intention

Perhaps the best indicator of call quality is the intention of the caller. When a customer calls a service professional and sets an appointment, a quality call has just been fielded. The consumer needs a service the business provides and made an appointment to spend money with the company. Chalk that up as a win.

What happens when consumers search your business on their mobile device and call to get a quote for comparison? Let’s say you operate a landscaping business and someone calls to get a quote on a new fence for their backyard. The customer probably intends to collect several bids for the project, but just because their intention is to purchase a new fence, that doesn’t mean it will be

Publisher to the Rescue

Pay Per Call Marketing parameters vary from one company to the next, as well as one industry to the next. What works for service professionals may not work for product providers. With the help of a reliable distribution partner, you can customize a strong Pay Per Call campaign that drives the kind of quality calls that matter to your business.