Pay Per Call consists of a ton of buzzwords that can be hard to fully grasp if you’re not a seasoned performance marketing professional. Taxonomy Mapping can be one of those terms that gets lost in translation. But guess what? – It’s not just another buzzword. Taxonomy Mapping is at the core of how we ensure high quality calls are delivered to the right business. It allows our system to match our partners’ keywords to correspond with ours.
Defining Taxonomy Mapping
Taxonomy Mapping allows APIs to communicate across categorical restrictions. This means it enables us to map out words or categories that don’t exactly match each other and ensure they correspond to one another correctly. For example, if someone calls looking for “Doctor”, but in the system the category is called “Physician”, we want to make sure these categories match. In some occurrences, the categories change drastically and have different levels of granularity making it more difficult to match, since each partner has different ways to categorize their system. With Taxonomy Mapping, this whole process seamlessly connects listings to our real-time call bidding platform.
How RingPartner Uses Taxonomy Mapping
When our Real-Time Calling Bidding Platform (RTcB) is pinged with an incoming call, the category the call is delivered in may be termed differently in our partner’s system versus our own. If the categories don’t match, then the call may drop. This occurrence is where Taxonomy Mapping comes in. With Taxonomy Mapping, we are able to connect keywords and categories to eliminate this problem by mapping a relation between the terms. So, regardless if you call it tomAYto, and we call it tomAHto, you can ensure the call will be delivered to the right place at the right time.
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